Saturday, July 16, 2022

Keep Motueka Beautiful working bee

 EVENT:  Thorp Bush Motueka Saturday 23 July - KEEP MOTUEKA BEAUTIFUL

Thorp Bush Motueka         Photo Supplied

There will be a Keep Motueka Beautiful working bee on Saturday 23rd July from 9.30am to 12.30pm at Thorp Bush - third time lucky we hope! Facebook noted due to weather.

We will be planting up the south (drier) side of what was the turning circle, as well as some infill planting, so meet at the far end of the driveway (past the playground).  It will be muddy so dress appropriately.  BYO spade if you can, but we will have some available. Morning tea will be provided.

We look forward to seeing you. KEEP CHECKING FACEBOOK

Pigeon Post News

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