Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Takaka Hill

Takaka Hill

No Damage to Takaka Hill with recent rains 

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency advise that the new infrastructure / culverts on Takaka Hill have coped well with the rain over the past weeks.

While there were floods and evaluations on the West Coast and very heavy rain in Tasman and Nelson, the Waka Kotahi 28 Million Dollar State Highway 60 project has survived its test of heavy rain.

The only mishap was caused by a heavy vehicle.

The guardrail at site 7 was wiped out some time during rain overnight in the last weekend of January.

NZ Transport Agency said the more they have to replace the guardrail the more inconvenience there is to the travelling road user.


Waka Kotahi encourage everyone to take it carefully at all times of the day around these hairpin bends on Takaka Hill Road between Riwaka and Tākaka  State Highway 60.

Pigeon Post News


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