Thursday, August 4, 2022

Upper Takaka Cobb Rd Closed until at least Monday 8 August


Cobb Dam Lower Rd Closed with slip

On Thursday 4 August Tasman District Council reported that Cobb Road is closed due to a slip between the Tākaka River Bridge and the Power Station. 

The latest update came through at 10am this morning 5 Aug.

Cobb Road is still closed due to a slip between the Tākaka River Bridge and the Power Station. The road will remain closed until at least Monday 8 August while the contractors work to clear the slip.

The Council  advised any trampers stuck on the other side of the slip: Please make your way to the slip and our contractors will attempt to create a track to get your vehicle out. Please call us on 03 543 8400 with any questions.

Tim O’Connell, Communications Officer, Tasman District Council says they well be keeping information flowing through their FB page as things progress.

Pigeon Post News

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