Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Nelson Kite Festival

 Kite Festival

The Nelson Summer Kite Festival is an amazing annual event held in Neale Park, Nelson. This year it was held on Saturday and Sunday 21st & 22nd of January attracting kite fliers from all over NZ, local kite fliers and many spectators.

The Nelson Kite Club is behind this spectacle for all to enjoy.

The New Zealand kite fliers association is behind them helping to hold regional flying days throughout the country. 

The association publish a magazine every four months called "What's Up" to help maintain communication among their members. If you are keen on becoming a member or for further information contact the Local Rep in your area. The link to the association is:

We shout out a tribute to Ted & Gretchen Howard who initiated the event in 1991 and the Nelson Kite Club for providing this spectacle for all to enjoy.

Here are a few photos from the festival: 

Hon Dr Nick Smith with Linley dropped into the Kite Festival 

Pigeon Post News, Richmond

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