Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Tasman’s Dry Weather Taskforce Has Lifted Some Water Restrictions

Tasman District Council lifts Stage One water restrictions

Tasman’s Dry Weather Taskforce Convenor Kim Drummond - Press Release

Recent rain and the prospect of more in the coming days has prompted Tasman District Council to lift Stage One water restrictions for users in Motupiko, Tadmor and Waimea Plains water management zones, effective immediately.  

Tasman’s Dry Weather Taskforce had previously made the decision to introduce restrictions to affiliated and unaffiliated consent holders from Monday, 30 January, based on data which suggested a possible dip below trigger levels for our rivers and dams.  

However, Taskforce Convenor Kim Drummond, said that the region had useful but varying amounts of rain last week, which has helped raise river flows to varying degrees across the region and above restriction triggers.  

More useful rain is predicted this coming Wednesday, February 1, and towards the end of the week.  

“Based on information at hand, restrictions in place are lifted immediately,” Kim said. 

“This means Stage One rationing - or a cut in use by 20 percent of consented water take levels - is no longer required for the Motupiko and Tadmor water management zones, as well as unaffiliated and affiliated consent holders in the Waimea Delta, Golden Hills, Redwood, Waimea Reservoir, Upper Confined, Waimea Upper Catchment and Waimea West water management zones. 

Taskforce Convenor Kim Drummond said “Council will continue to keep an eye on river flows, aquifer levels and salinity in the coastal aquifers. The deep Moutere aquifer in the Eastern zone continues to drop and the rain impact on this will be monitored as well.  

“The need for a Dry Weather Task Force meeting will be evaluated again early next week” Kim said. 

Tasman District Council

Pigeon Post News, Richmond

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