Thursday, October 26, 2023

Tākaka Hill night-time closures and day-time stop/go traffic management - State Highway 60 - for maintenance and resurfacing

Night closures: 

from 29 October to 24 November - Sundays to Thursdays from 8pm to 5:30am. Short opening around 1am for queued traffic. 

Day-time works: 

from 14 to 17 November from 6am to 6pm under stop/go traffic management. Plan ahead for 30 minute delays.

State Highway 60 Tākaka Hill summer maintenance

Night Closures & daytime works

Maintaining the resilience of a critical highway link will see night-time closures and day-time stop/go traffic management of State Highway 60 over the Tākaka Hill later this month.

Rob Service, System Manager, Top of the South, says doing the maintenance work now ensures the Tākaka Hill will be in tip-top condition for the busy Christmas holiday period.

Between Sunday, 29 October, and the morning of Friday, 24 November, the road will be closed every Sunday to Thursday between 8pm and 5:30am with a short opening around 1 am for queued traffic.

The highway will also be subject to daytime speed restrictions and stop/go traffic control between Tuesday, 14 and Friday, 17 November (weather dependent) from 6am to 6pm. During this time, drivers can expect 30-minute travel delays.

Mr Service says there is a substantial amount of work to be done, so night closures are essential if it is to be completed as quickly as possible.

“Contractors will reseal parts of the road on both sides of the hill and carry out other maintenance work, such as clearing water channels, fixing slips and guard rails, and attending to general maintenance.”

“This work is essential. It’s kind of like the maintenance you do on your house. Regular upkeep stops small jobs from becoming bigger and more expensive ones later on,” Mr Service says.

Because of the road’s narrowness and to keep contractors safe, the road will be closed at night while the work is done. It will allow contractors to complete their work faster.

Mr Service appreciates the closures and day-time speed restrictions will be inconvenient for residents and regular road users. But he says they are essential.

“Some of this work, such as chip sealing, must be done during the day when conditions are warm and dry. But we realise travel over the Tākaka Hill is vital for residents and local businesses, which is why we are ensuring there will be day-time access on the route."

“It’s also important people obey speed limits in road work areas and follow the instructions of our contractors. It is all about keeping everyone, both road crews and drivers, safe,” Mr Service says.

Drivers can expect delays when crossing the Tākaka Hill and should factor this into their travel plans.

Night closures

  • The closure will be in place between Riwaka Valley Road, Riwaka and Aaron Creek Road, Upper Tākaka and will run from 29 October to 24 November.
  • The closures will be between 8pm and 5:30am.
  • The road will open once each night around 1 am for traffic at two road closure points.
  • Vehicles travelling over the hill need to be at the Aaron Creek Road closure point by 12:30am or at the Riwaka Valley Road closure point by 1am.

Daytime Stop/Go traffic controls

  • Day time stop/go traffic management will be in place between Tuesday, 14 and Friday, 17 November.
  • It will run from 6am to 6pm.
  • Drivers should plan ahead and expect 30-minute delays.

Aaron Creek Road – road closure point for eastbound traffic. Road users wanting to travel over Tākaka Hill on the 1am opening, please be at this location by 12.30am. 

Riwaka Valley Road – road closure point for westbound traffic. Road users wanting to travel over Tākaka Hill on the 1am opening, please be at this location by 1am.

These roadworks are weather dependent and may be rescheduled.

Waka Kitahi

Pigeon Post News, Richmond. 

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