Monday, October 23, 2023

What do you want freshwater in the Tasman region to look like?  

Riwaka. Photo credit Tasman District Council.

 Tasman District Council - opening of engagement for Freshwater Management Unit Draft Environmental Outcomes

Tasman District Council is working on the development of a Land and Freshwater plan, and we want your help to get it right. 


We have already defined the Freshwater Management Units, the smaller areas the region will be broken down into under the new plan and set draft Visions and Values for each FMU.


Now we need to define the Environmental Outcomes for each of those values. 


The draft Environmental Outcomes will set the direction for the new plan change and will be used to set the targets and limits for land and freshwater use in the region, and the rules that we need to achieve them.


As the Outcomes define the end goal, it’s important they get them right, and that they reflect what the people of Tasman want the region’s land and freshwater to look like in the future. 

Pines Ford swimming hole. Photo credit TDC.

At each stage of the process, we have been engaging with the public to make sure that people agree with what we are doing. 


We also recognise that any changes to land and freshwater use will mean changes for people working in the rural and environmental sectors, so we really want to hear from those people. 


The engagement on the Environmental Outcomes stage 3 opens on 20 October and closes 30 November 2023. You can find out more, and have your say at: 


Please note - we are not currently planning any public engagement events, as our online approach has yielded more feedback to date. 


However, we invite you to attend one of our webinars over the engagement period, which anyone can attend and ask questions: 

  • Tuesday 7th November – Midday 
  • Wednesday 8th November – 6:30pm  
  • Wednesday 22nd November– 6.30pm 
  • See Shape Tasman for more details.  


We are also happy to attend community or industry group meetings to speak to them about the Environmental Outcomes and the new plan. Just contact us on: 


Tasman District Council Communications.

Pigeon Post News, Richmond.

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