Thursday, November 23, 2023

Investment of $6 Million boost for Port Tarakohe, Pōhara, Tākaka, Golden Bay.

Port Tarakohe

Port Tarakohe Investment shows confidence in Nelson Tasman’s Blue


The Nelson Regional Development Agency welcomes the Kānoa investment into Port Tarakohe announced today by Tasman District Council.

Port Tarakohe is identified by NRDA and others regional leaders as a major project of region, national, and sector significance. NRDA has been advocating for investment into Port Tarakohe over a number of years and congratulates TDC and the Government for working together to make today’s announcement possible.

Fiona Wilson, NRDA CE says “the economic impact assessments carried out in 2019 showed that the investment announced today has direct net benefits of up to $143 million and could be worth over $19 million annually once the Port is fully operational, servicing the 500% forecast growth of mussel production in Golden Bay and Tasman Bay. This will leverage major industry investment in new marine farms, boats and processing

facilities and help ensure the eight iwi of Te Tauihu can access and leverage their aquaculture settlement assets. This project will benefit the entirety of Nelson Tasman, not just Golden Bay.”

“NRDA has been working alongside TDC, Kanoa and regional leaders to promote Nelson Tasman as the home of the Blue Economy. We continue to prioritise our blue economy as a key economic focus with the potential to lift our low productivity. Port Tarakohe is one project we have been advocating for and today’s announcement helps build our world-class assets and ecosystem.”

“Getting regional projects across the line requires continual effort from a range of entities. Port Tarakohe was identified as a priority project in the 2022 and 2023 Briefing for Ministers. Today’s investment shows the value of undertaking efforts such as the Briefing for Ministers annually which puts together our collectively agreed regional priorities,” says Fiona. 

Gareth Power Gordon, NRDA Strategy and Investment Manager says “Investing in Port Tarakohe provides industry and investor confidence in the aquaculture sector. The scaled commercialisation of new high-value opportunities is reliant on the availability of appropriate growing space with appropriate port servicing which this investment will unlock.

“Add other recent investments such as the Port Nelson Slipway redevelopment, Snap Group’s advanced manufacturing, and funding for investigations into microalgae highlights the level of activity happening in Nelson Tasman’s Blue Economy. Having the Government support initiatives such for Moananui, our Blue Economy Cluster, means Nelson Tasman is starting to be recognised for our expertise and supports NRDA’s wider investment attraction programme” says Gareth.

NRDA will continue to work with TDC and other partners to promote Port Tarakohe and Nelson Tasman’s Blue Economy to ensure we can maximise the economic potential of the region.

Nelson Regional Development Agency.

Pigeon Post News, Richmond.

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