Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Nelson Airport creates “plane spotting” loop

Plane spotter Dan Hay makes use of one of the new plane spotting panels around Nelson Airport’s perimeter. Photo credit Nelson Airport.

Nelson Airport creates “plane spotting” loop

Nelson Airport has created a “plane spotting” loop along the Airport Perimeter Walkway to give aviation and photography enthusiasts more opportunities to snap great images.

Nelson Airport Communications Manager Beth Catley says the airport has installed six apertures in the airport’s security fence to allow photographers to gain a clear view of airfield activity, without compromising airport safety and security. The apertures are accompanied by information boards displaying photos and details about some of the aircraft that commonly use Nelson Airport. 

“We love the enthusiasm that the Nelson and Tasman community have for all things aviation, and we see our local plane spotting community as an important part of the Nelson Airport whānau. We know the installation of our security fence in line with Civil Aviation Authority requirements restricted some of the views photographers previously had, so we’ve been working with our local plane spotters to identify the best locations to enable views through the fence without compromising security.”

A new page on the airport’s website includes an interactive map of the Plane Spotting loop along the airport perimeter, showing the best locations for photographs.

“Nelson Airport is a fantastic location for plane spotting. There’s a diverse range of aircraft, from small trainer planes to commercial turboprops, and of course the landscape is stunning with Kahuroa– the Richmond Ranges and Wharepapa – Arthur Range providing an impressive backdrop to Te Tai o Aorere - Tasman Bay,” Beth says.

People can find more information about plane spotting at Nelson Airport at nelsonairport.co.nz/plane-spotting.

Nelson Airport, Communications Manager, Beth Catley.

Pigeon Post News, Richmond.

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